
An economically important program at the District is permitting. Pennsylvania Chapter 102/National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is the  program in which permits are issued through the District office. Keeping permitting at the local level ensures that applications are processed in a timely manner, allowing important development projects to move forward on schedule, which drives sustained economic development in the county.

Pennsylvania Chapter 105 (Water Obstruction & Encroachments) is administered by the PA Department of Environmental Protection's Northwest Regional Office.

The district office does not administer any programs associated with stormwater, drinking water, or sewage.

DEP Chapter 102 / NPDES

Earth Disturbance / National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits (Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program: 25 Pennsylvania Code Chapter 102)

Pennsylvania Chapter 102 and Federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations exist to reduce  the impacts of development on waterways. Sediment is the leading cause of pollution  in waterways with accelerated erosion from human use of land making up 70% of the total sediment deposition in rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs.

Best Management Practices (BMPs) are required to be installed and properly maintained on construction sites. Two of the most commonly used BMPs are compost filter sock and silt fence. BMPs are used to filter sediment from stormwater that may leave the site and prevent it from entering the waters of the commonwealth.  Conservation Districts issue NPDES permits and inspect BMPs on construction sites.

If you need to obtain an NPDES permit or are requesting a review of an Erosion & Sedimentation Plan, please use the resources below:

CLICK HERE to review the Indiana County Conservation District NPDES and Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Review Fee Schedule.

Waste Sites

Waste Site Review Fee (over 5,000 sq. ft. but under one acre): For a waste site review, please remit a check for $300 – payable to the “Indiana County Conservation District”. This fee includes the E&S plan review. The review fee must be included with the E&S plan submission. Disturbance of 1 acre or greater requires an NPDES permit.

Timber Harvesting

Timber Harvest Earth Disturbance Review Fee: $350 per acre of earth disturbance (round up). Earth disturbance is calculated based on the total area of haul roads, landings, and skid trails, not the entire acreage being timbered. If a timber harvest will result in 25acres of earth disturbance, an Erosion and Sedimentation Control General Permit(ESCGP) will be required following the above General NPDES & ESCGP Permit Fee Schedule.

Click here to access a PA DEP Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ) Document regarding timber harvests.

DEP Chapter 105 (General Permits)

Water Obstruction and Encroachment
Pennsylvania Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (25 PA Code Chapter 105)

Chapter 105  permit applications are for activities that may impact a waterway such as a stream, wetland, floodway, or other body of water. This is crucial to ensure that projects do not have negative impacts on waterways while reducing flood risk.

If you need to obtain a Chapter 105 permit, please utilize the resources below:

Click here to review the DEP Chapter 105 Permit Fee Calculation Worksheet.

Permits can be submitted online through the DEP E-Permitting System.

File an Electronic Permit

Contact Information for Permitting Agencies

Department of Environmental Protection,
Northwest Regional Office

230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335

Department of Environmental Protection, Central Office
Bureau of Watershed Managemen
Division of Waterways, Wetlands and Erosion Control
P.O. Box 8775, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8775

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Chesapeake Bay Drainage

Baltimore District Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore, MD 21203-1715

Ohio Drainage
Pittsburgh District Corps of Engineers

Regulatory Branch, Federal Building
1000 Federal Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4186

Additional information on permitting can be obtained through the DEP website using the following links:

Stormwater Management

Currently, the Indiana County Conservation District is not delegated to administer any programs related to stormwater management. Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) reviews are conducted by the Department of Environmental Protection. Other questions or complaints regarding stormwater issues should be directed to your local municipality.

The Indiana County Office of Planning and Development completed a Phase 1 Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan - Scope of Study. This study can be referenced by clicking here.

Additional information about Pennsylvania's Stormwater Management Act of 1978 (Act 167) can be viewed by clicking here.


Ponds that may not require DEP permits include the following general conditions (before constructing a pond, you should reach out to your regional DEP office to confirm permit requirements):

NOTE that even if a DEP permit is not required, Federal Authorization for a dam may still be a requirement before construction can occur.

For questions regarding pond management, please utilize the resources below or reach out to your local Penn State Extension or USDA NRCS offices.

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